
聯系人:顧總 13806108070
    朱總 13861388070

High temperature stainless steel pipe price supply and demand return game

發布時間:2016-03-31 07:54:34    瀏覽:1918

This round of inflation plummeted to allow enterprises to be taken by surprise. The price of a concussion, the enterprise is difficult to lock in profits. This round of price volatility is relatively fast, some high temperature stainless steel tube enterprises in price is small, high temperature resistant stainless steel pipe factory has not really benefit from the surge in March, high temperature resistant stainless steel seamless tube part of good business enterprise losses.

In this round, ignited by the black lines of commodity market rebound, ore increase has been far more than high temperature stainless steel pipe, stainless steel pipe factory to profit erosion. The industry needs to improve end with the continuing uncertainty based on the existing production and supply side pressure, high temperature resistant stainless steel pipe industry boom continued to improve does not have clear support, is expected to turn around low probability. Each game between the ore price and the high temperature resistant stainless steel pipe prices still needs to return to the terminal. From the macro economic environment, this year"s data has delivered a positive signal. In the inventory policy stimulus, real estate slump data is also positive, bring good for high temperature stainless steel pipe market.

Analysts said that a data can illustrate the market reversal, at least four to five months or even six months in order to determine the trend, only one or two months of data recovery is still not enough to judge the demand for a substantial change for the better. At the same time, there are also two game supply side forces. On the one hand is the stainless steel pipe prices rising operating rates, prompting an increase in supply. On the other hand, pressure from the funds also in the suppression of stainless steel pipe production enterprise growth. At present, the Bank of stainless steel pipe industry credit policy to maintain the overall control, the new credit, there is no large-scale pumping loans, tight capital and steady. From the research, part of stainless steel pipe business loan interest rates go up, there is a certain pressure started to resume production.

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